November 3, 2021
Caleb Langbroek calls the meeting to order at 7:04 PM on November 3, 2021
Members Present

Aaron Creor (Vice President)


Rhys Leflar (Secretary)

Adam (Member)
Diego (Member)
Caleb Langbroek adjourned the meeting at 7:37 PM on November 3, 2021.
Meeting Duration: 33 minutes
Next meeting: 7:00 PM on December 8, 2021
Caleb Langbroek created the meeting minutes at 6:35 PM on March 11, 2024.
1. Association Report
- Decided not to record meetings as it didn't seem like many people were interested.
- Meeting minutes will continue to be posted to website.
- Will hold an election in December as Caleb and Mykal are graduating.
2. Financial Report
- Report given by Zach.
- Finally have access to a new account at the bank.
- Old funds have been transferred over.
- Discussed amending the constitution so executive members need to sign off from account withing a week of graduating.
- This would hopefully prevent this situation from happening again as it took 2 months and hours of meeting with the bank to get access back.
- We have given Carl a list of items for purchase.
- No response yet from him yet.
3. SCC Report
- Caleb made 2 keys, he still needs to give a copy to Zach.
- No update from Carl regarding renovating the room and getting new items.
- Discussed what to do with stuff in the SCC:
- Whatever we can sell, we will sell on Craigslist for fair market value.
- The rest we can trash.
4. Website Report
- Mykal was not present for report.
- Going ahead with refactor to AstroJS.
- Project board and issues were opened on Github.
- Still looking for someone to help out on the site.
- Lack of interest in helping out with the site.
- Zach proposed just having a static HTML site for simplicity.
5. Communications Report
- Instagram account now has 54 followers.
- Mentions from other STEM groups.
- It's good we are posting even if it doesn't directly increase engagement.
- Retire the Facebook and leave a post linking to the new social media.
- Caleb scheduled the old Instagram account for deletion.
- Could use a new banner for Twitter, LinkedIn, and website.
6. Projects Report
- CSA has a new logo!
- Currently at 329 members on Discord.
- Recruitment has slowed down.
- Next semester is looking like it will mostly be in person.
- So much more potential for recruiting by going to classes (Caleb won't be here for that though).
- Merchandise project has started and we are in contact with a local company.
- Discussed price ranges and what items should be bought.
- Decided to create a poll to gauge interest and see what sizes and how many items should be bought.
7. Events Report
- CSA held its first online Valorant tournament on October 23rd.
- Also had our first in-person event in years at the Trading Post.
- We will continue planning for more November events:
- LAN gaming/Watch Party Event November
- Another online only event.
- LAN gaming/Watch Party Event November:
- Tentative November 26, at 6 PM.
- Will have free food, drinks, and prizes.
- Mixing of games and watching.
- Should bring a PC/laptop but we'll also have a console.
8. Expansion Report
- Collaborated with the Physics Student Association (PSA) for a corn maze event.
- Their event went well but no one from the CSA attended.
- It seemed like they aren't that interested in future collabs unless we have people organizing or pitch in funds.
- PSA is having an event on campus on the last of classes.
- Big Brothers Big Sisters Volunteer Opportunity:
- Volunteer with kids in the Fraser Valley.
- Possibility of teaching kids to code.
- Always looking for people but no one in the CSA seemed interested.
- Collaboration with Kayla:
- Caleb reached out to Kayla.
- She will shout out the CSA to CS and CIS members in the Co-op.
- The Career Center is having a career month right throughout November.
- On their Instagram ufvjobs and at visit the career fair at
9. Department Report
- Caleb was not able to attend the October department meeting.
- Frank Zhang reviewed CIS 100, 6 year review was long overdue
- Updated text book and content, learning outcomes are the same.
- More discussion around MSc.
Action Items
- Zach will submit funds request for November Gaming Night.
- Caleb will email Carl again regarding items requested.
- Caleb will start working on the website refactor.
- Caleb will update the Facebook and redirect people to our Instagram and Discord.
- Caleb will post a poll for merchandise and what people want.