October 6, 2021
Caleb Langbroek calls the meeting to order at 7:05 PM on October 6, 2021
Members Present

Aaron Creor (Vice President)

Rhys Leflar (Secretary)

Caleb Langbroek adjourned the meeting at 7:45 PM on October 6, 2021.
Meeting Duration: 40 minutes
Next meeting: 7:00 PM on November 3, 2021
Rhys Leflar created the meeting minutes at 6:32 PM on March 11, 2024.
1. Association Report
- Potentially record meetings and post them online.
2. Financial Report
- Currently in the process of getting back access to the bank account.
- Will start doing events once access is gained.
- Spare funding may be available if we get enough interest (info from carl).
3. SCC Report
- Rhys and Caleb currently both have keys.
- More keys will be made for any executive members who want them.
- Budget for renovating the room has been requested from Carl.
- Depending on the surplus it looks like that could be possible either this year or next.
- There are a lot of items within the SCC need to be dealt with (thrown out or given away).
4. Website Report
- If anyone is interested in helping with the website feel free to reach out to an executive member.
- Currently, the website is using Gatsby.
- Mykal is interested in doing a re-write and changing frameworks.
- Gatsby has some quirks with GraphQL and the barrier to entry may be a bit high.
- We are currently considering using AstroJS.
- Since Mykal and Caleb are both graduating this semester, we are looking for someone to take over as webmaster and for overall help with the website.
5. Communications Report
- Instagram account has been created and we currently have 33 followers.
- Josh also posted executive team intros on Instagram.
- Announcements channel and Instagram are how to keep up to date with the CSA.
- New Gmail account has been created and emails are being forwarded to it.
6. Projects Report
- Looking for someone to do a logo redesign.
- Recruiting for the CSA is still in progress.
7. Events Report
- Results for event survey that was posted on Discord.
- Social and Gaming events had the most interest (85%).
- People are also interested in hearing from industry guest speakers (85%).
- Academic and guest speakers with (69%).
- Recruiting events were also fairly popular (60%).
- People were least interested in doing board game events (46%).
- Based on feedback the CSA Will do more social and gaming events in the future.
- October 30th at 6 PM is the tentative time for the first fund raising event.
- Gaming events will be played through discord.
- Party games (jackbox, drawful, etc).
- Low barrier to entry games.
- Esports may be on interest.
- All events done are open to all students of UFV.
8. Expansion Report
- For the first time in two years the CSA was back at the Campus Engagement Expo!
- Event went well and it was good to finally have a presence at an association event.
- We are also doing a collaboration with Physics Student Association (PSA) for a corn maze event.
- They are looking for people to help with planning for the event.
9. Department Report
- Caleb attended the department meeting for the School of Computing.
- Recently rebranded and now Carl is head of the department.
- Potentially more research budget for students and faculty.
- There will be a course audit to update curriculum and ensure the course requirements make sense.
- More degree options being looked at.