September 1, 2021
Caleb Langbroek calls the meeting to order at 7:02 PM on September 1, 2021
Members Present

Aaron Creor (Vice President)

Rhys Leflar (Secretary)

Adam (Member)
Andrew (Member)
Diego (Member)
Caleb Langbroek adjourned the meeting at 7:49 PM on September 1, 2021.
Meeting Duration: 47 minutes
Next meeting: 7:00 PM on October 6, 2021
Rhys Leflar created the meeting minutes at 6:29 PM on March 11, 2024.
1. Association Report
- The plan is to hold monthly meetings during the semester.
2. Financial Report
- No updates regarding bank account access.
3. SCC Report
- We now have the keys from former president Michael.
- Caleb will get the keys from Zach and distribute them to any executives who want a copy.
4. Website Report
- Mykal was absent, so no report was given.
5. Communications Report
- We could create a TikTok but it might not be the best platform and would require a lot of work.
- Instagram is most likely our most popular social media.
- Right now the Instagram account is dead, so we could create new one.
- A LinkedIn should be created as well.
- Put up posters for the CSA.
- Retire the Facebook and leave a post linking to the new social media.
- Josh has gained access to the Facebook.
- We will create a new email for the social medias as well as new social medias.
6. Projects Report
- No active projects.
7. Events Report
- Event Ideas:
- Social (mature) at a bar or restaurant.
- Game night/tournament with prizes and food.
- Have guest speakers come in w/ refreshments and food.
- Potentially alumni to come speak about their experiences in the industry.
- Get recruiters to talk about jobs and what they are looking for in candidates.
- Profs or graduate students talking about their research.
- $20 Steam gift card for who recruits the most members in a set time period.
8. Expansion Report
- Caleb met with UFV Co-op Coordinator Kayla.
- She is willing to help spread CSA events and socials.
- Kayla was looking for feedback about the co-op program and if any students had suggestions for feedback.
- Was working with Michael (ex president) on an event.
- There was a meeting with other STEM student groups
- Four other associations were present:
- Biology/Chemistry Student Association
- UFV Women in Engineering, Science, and Technology
- Physics Student Association
- Pre-Med Student Association
- They are looking for more collaboration between STEM associations
- PSA is planning an event at the Corn maze on October 28th.
- They are looking for volunteers.
- Discord thread will be made for those who are interested in helping.
- Support from other STEM groups.
9. Department Report
- There is a department meeting soon which Caleb is attending.
- Caleb will pass on any needed info.
Action Items
- Create a thread for people interested in other STEM groups events.
- Create a thread for items that can be purchased.
- Create thread for event ideas and get a rough idea how many people would attend.
- Caleb will also begin organizing the current CSA information and putting together a plan for the Fall.
- Caleb will create a new gmail account for the CSA.
- Caleb will inquire about SCC access during the Fall 2021 semester and rules regarding in person meetings/events.
- Josh will look into creating new social media accounts and updating them.
- Zach will get in contact w/ Tyler about getting into the bank account.