September 1, 2021
Caleb Langbroek calls the meeting to order at 7:02 PM on September 1, 2021
Members Present
Caleb LangbroekCaleb Langbroek (President)
Aaron Creor (Vice President)
Zach GriffinZach Griffin (Unknown)
Josh GourdeJosh Gourde (Project Manager)
Rhys Leflar (Secretary)
Mykal MachonMykal Machon (Webmaster)
Adam (Member)
Andrew (Member)
Diego (Member)
Caleb Langbroek adjourned the meeting at 7:49 PM on September 1, 2021.
Meeting Duration: 47 minutes
Next meeting: 7:00 PM on October 6, 2021
Rhys Leflar created the meeting minutes at 6:29 PM on March 11, 2024.


1. Association Report

  • The plan is to hold monthly meetings during the semester.

2. Financial Report

  • No updates regarding bank account access.

3. SCC Report

  • We now have the keys from former president Michael.
  • Caleb will get the keys from Zach and distribute them to any executives who want a copy.

4. Website Report

  • Mykal was absent, so no report was given.

5. Communications Report

  • We could create a TikTok but it might not be the best platform and would require a lot of work.
  • Instagram is most likely our most popular social media.
  • Right now the Instagram account is dead, so we could create new one.
  • A LinkedIn should be created as well.
  • Put up posters for the CSA.
  • Retire the Facebook and leave a post linking to the new social media.
  • Josh has gained access to the Facebook.
  • We will create a new email for the social medias as well as new social medias.

6. Projects Report

  • No active projects.

7. Events Report

  • Event Ideas:
    • Social (mature) at a bar or restaurant.
    • Game night/tournament with prizes and food.
    • Have guest speakers come in w/ refreshments and food.
    • Potentially alumni to come speak about their experiences in the industry.
    • Get recruiters to talk about jobs and what they are looking for in candidates.
    • Profs or graduate students talking about their research.
  • $20 Steam gift card for who recruits the most members in a set time period.

8. Expansion Report

  • Caleb met with UFV Co-op Coordinator Kayla.
  • She is willing to help spread CSA events and socials.
  • Kayla was looking for feedback about the co-op program and if any students had suggestions for feedback.
  • Was working with Michael (ex president) on an event.
  • There was a meeting with other STEM student groups
  • Four other associations were present:
    • Biology/Chemistry Student Association
    • UFV Women in Engineering, Science, and Technology
    • Physics Student Association
    • Pre-Med Student Association
  • They are looking for more collaboration between STEM associations
  • PSA is planning an event at the Corn maze on October 28th.
  • They are looking for volunteers.
  • Discord thread will be made for those who are interested in helping.
  • Support from other STEM groups.

9. Department Report

  • There is a department meeting soon which Caleb is attending.
  • Caleb will pass on any needed info.

Action Items

  • Create a thread for people interested in other STEM groups events.
  • Create a thread for items that can be purchased.
  • Create thread for event ideas and get a rough idea how many people would attend.
  • Caleb will also begin organizing the current CSA information and putting together a plan for the Fall.
  • Caleb will create a new gmail account for the CSA.
  • Caleb will inquire about SCC access during the Fall 2021 semester and rules regarding in person meetings/events.
  • Josh will look into creating new social media accounts and updating them.
  • Zach will get in contact w/ Tyler about getting into the bank account.