March 19, 2020
Michael Bennett calls the meeting to order at 4:01 PM on March 19, 2020
Members Present
Michael Bennett (President)
Andrew Foisey (SCC Manager)
Michael Bennett adjourned the meeting at 4:12 PM on March 19, 2020.
Meeting Duration: 11 minutes
Next meeting: 4:00 PM on April 9, 2020
Michael Bennett created the meeting minutes at 6:05 PM on March 11, 2024.

Andrew motions to accept the agenda. Michael seconds.

1. Association report:

  • Have not heard back from key requests. Andrew attempts to interject, but the meeting moves forward regardless.
  • Elections will occur in Fall, assuming school resumes. AGM scheduling should be a decision item next meeting.

2. Financial report:

  • See previous minutes for current status.

3. SCC report:

  • It's pretty okay.
  • Calendar is still a potential project. No point working on it right now.

4. Website report:

  • Michael took photos for a new header image for the website. Will create a collage later.
  • Still todo on calendar for SCC being integrated into website.
  • Website redesign probably not currently necessary but worth working on if students are interested.
  • TODO - take down 3D printer info on website. Maybe put up mention of faculty printer, if they want.
  • Exam scheduler could be useful, there is some student interest.
  • Caleb & Mykal both have website access now.

5. Communications report:

  • Discord bot has been added for notifications.

6. Projects report:

  • Pinboards are on hold until virus ceases.
  • If anyone wants GitHub association access, request it at
  • TODO - fix csa email account system

7. Events report:

  • ERA event is cancelled.
  • Hackathon: Still a possibility in the future. Should consider talking to professors when possible about involvement.
  • Funding might be possible through UFV. TODO - look into this as an option for events.
  • Gaming event would still be popular. Considering either Board Games+LAN or Smash/similar tournament. Should discuss with more people. TODO - Probe for interest in Discord.

8. Expansion report:

  • We are now in touch with Kayla from co-op and there is mutual interest in future coop related events.

9. Department news:

  • IEEE Hackathon has been delayed until at least May 1.

Decision Items:

  • Meet in 3 weeks online again to discuss further. Schedule it next week.