February 6, 2020
Andrew Foisey calls the meeting to order at 4:18 PM on February 6, 2020
Members Present
Michael Bennett (President)
James Purdey (Project Manager)
Andrew Foisey (SCC Manager)
Derek William (CSA Member)
Michael Bennett adjourned the meeting at 5:13 PM on February 6, 2020.
Meeting Duration: 55 minutes
Next meeting: 4:00 PM on February 28, 2020
Michael Bennett created the meeting minutes at 5:48 PM on March 11, 2024.

Andrew motions to accept the agenda. Michael seconds.

1. Association report:

  • Plans made to speak with professors regarding spreading information about CSA to students.
  • Going to speak with security regarding keys.

2. Financial report:

  • $44.15 on fridge
  • Todo: Gain exact figures on bank, shares, & cabinet.

3. SCC report:

  • Lock needs relocking
  • Calendar creation is necessary for open-times
  • Room rules should be enforced. Including: Volume, hygiene.

4. Website report:

  • Todo: Fix SEO for google (ufvcsa.ca -> csa.ufv.ca)

5. Communications report:

  • Broadcast stuff over facebook, twitter, instagram
  • Fliers on public notice boards

6. Projects report:

  • Nobody is sure what the intention of the openstack project was for (from previous agendas). Not going to include on future agends.
  • Looks like there is interest in finishing the current pinboard project.
  • Caleb was volunteered to redesign the website.
  • Look into getting professor involvement (Potential VR thing).

7. Events report:

  • ERA event: students expressed interest.
  • Hackathon: Speak with Carl.
  • Gaming event would be popular.

8. Expansion report:

  • There is interest in helping people get interested in co-op.
  • There is interest in helping people get prepared for co-op.
  • Helping students is difficult due to possible issues with academic dishonesty. Add written rule for not giving answers, only guidance/advice, where appropriate.

9. Department news:

  • IEEE may or may not be happening.

Decision Items:

  • Probably going to remove the broken computer in a permanent sense.
  • Potentially sell 3D printer.
  • Recycle RAM chips.
  • We don't know where that power supply came from.
  • Assume this time until something preferable is found.
  • Andrew was given key by unanimous vote.