Dennis motions to adopt the agenda. Brandon seconds. The motion passes by acclimation.
1. Financial Report
Check from the Student Union Society covered our two previous funding requests. The details to
see what was covered will be dealt with in the future.
See last meeting for financial information.
2. SCC Report
Receipts have been scanned for backups while physical copies are being put in the file cabinet.
Possible to buy items:
I. See if we can buy some new monitors from the department.
3. Website Report
Nothing has changed
4. Communicatons Report
Nothing has changed
5. Projects Report
I. Gitlab / Openstack
Nothing has changed.
II. Pinboard
Nothing has changed.
ACTION: Refresh the SCC owned student computer.
6. Events
I. Game Night
ACTION: Create a games night role in the CSA Discord.
II. Games Day
Games Day was discussed.
7. Department News
Comp Sci can be advertised now.
On Feb 20th 2018 there will be micro lectures. Students can attend and present.
There is a new upgrade for C Building being planned. The upgrade should be finished by fall 2019 with a few new computer labs.
8. UFV News
Thursday February 8th 2018 is the Student Union Society EGM. The meeting starts at 12:00pm and needs 48 people to atend.
Decision Items
Dennis has a small list of supplies he would like to purchase for the SCC.
Whiteboard Supplies (covered by SUS)
Scratch Pads, letter size notepads (Dennis will check prices).
Action Items
ACTION: Setup xbox360 in the SCC. Confirm with Graham before use.
ACTION: Find a better solution to beta-brite cable. Contact faculties to see what steps we need to get approval for mountng the cable on the wall.
ACTION: Get Michael Hines to contact Red Rhino