Election results are in!

Hey guys,

The time has finally come, the election results are in. Let's start with those:

  • President: Sabreen Gill (@sabrreen)
  • Vice President: Samuel Shull (@Samuel / CourseDiscovery)
  • Secretary: Mason Paquette (@Mason / General_Mario)
  • Treasurer: Simranjit Singh (@Simranjit / TheTranquilLion)
  • Communications Manager (@Krish Machanda)

And now some words from our sponsor... that would be me, Josh. Given that I'm passing on the metaphorical torch, I thought I'd say a few words. This year with the CSA has honestly been one hell of a roller coaster. From dealing with SUS to trying to host as many events as we could to everything in between. I'm very happy with what we've accomplished this year.

We held several coding competitions, some hackathons, an awesome tech panel and attempted a game jam. It wasn't perfect to say the least and it may not have seemed like much at times but a lot of effort has gone into each and every event. For that, I really want to thank the entire exec team for their hard work this year. I also want to thank you guys for showing up to our events and participating in the conversation on the server. Without you guys, there isn't really a CSA, so thank you.

I'm sure I can speak for most of the team in saying it's a bittersweet end to our time in the CSA. We accomplished a lot this year and we're proud of that; however, we're very excited to see what the future holds. We look forward to what the next team can accomplish in the coming year. With all this being sent, I guess it's time for me to sign off. Feel free to DM me if you have any burning questions tho.
